Land Use and Zoning law is a specialized area of the law that requires a thorough knowledge of land use and zoning laws. The attorneys at Byrnes O’Hern & Heugle are experienced practitioners in this area of the law, having represented clients before municipal planning boards and zoning boards of adjustment in connection with variance applications, approvals for subdivision and site plans. Our attorneys have also successfully represented clients seeking to oppose development or zoning applications.
If necessary, our attorneys provide litigation representation to clients regarding land use issues and zoning issues, whether it be an appeal to the courts of an adverse decision by a local board, or the defense of an appeal of a favorable decision by a board.
Our attorneys are also experienced in the area of Redevelopment Law, having successfully litigated issues before the New Jersey Courts under the New Jersey Redevelopment Statute. As co-lead counsel for the Master Developer of the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment Plan, Dan O’Hern successfully argued the appeal that affirmed the legality of the Asbury Park Plan.
The attorneys at Byrnes O’Hern & Heugle have also developed a special expertise in the representation of developers of commercial scale solar energy projects. Solar projects, like any development project, require local zoning approval. Solar projects, however, have unique attributes that require a team of professionals to address the many issues that arise in connection with such a project from a land use perspective. Our attorneys have the expertise and experience to assist developers in putting together a successful team to obtain the necessary land use approvals.