First and foremost, we at Byrnes, O’Hern & Heugle hope that our clients, employees and families remain healthy and safe during this very difficult time. That is our number one priority. But we also intend to continue to assist and be available to our clients and prospective clients during this time. Fortunately, long before this crisis, our firm has put in place the technology that enables our professionals and much of our staff to work remotely. As a result, we are very much prepared to be able to continue to provide the high level of service and responsiveness to our clients that we pride ourselves on. Our office remains open for limited purposes and we are rotating employees in the office to make sure the phones are answered and certain basic tasks are accomplished, while at the same time providing a safe workplace for those who continue to staff the office by instituting policies that require employees to stay home if sick, if they have had contact with a potentially affected person, or if they are in the high-risk category. We are practicing social distancing while in the office. We have also instituted policies that include very limited or no on-site meetings, encouraging our professionals to schedule calls or video conferencing in lieu of in-person meetings. Our attorneys are also quickly getting up to speed on the employment and other issue affecting business and employees arising from the Coronavirus and are available to provide advice and guidance on those issues. Thank you for your continued support and understanding during these difficult times for all.